To estimate what the total Korean death toll might be, I give the forced labor death rates for Koreans and Chinese in Japan and forced laborers from or in Indonesia (lines 119b-121). This is clear from the 60,000 Korean laborers that died in Japan out of the near 670,000 that were brought there in the years 1939 to 1945 (line 119a). Apparently Koreans were better treated than were laborers from other countries, but still their work hours, food and medical care were such that large numbers died (even Japanese coolies forced to work in other countries were so maltreated that many died). We do know that 5,400,000 Koreans were conscripted for labor beginning in 1939 (line 119), but how many died can only be roughly estimated. Information on Korean deaths under Japanese occupation is difficult to uncover (Korea was not invited to participate in the War Crimes Trial). This varies in the sources from 200,000 to 1,430,000 deaths, with perhaps the most likely figure being 300,000 (the figure "accepted" by the United Nations-line 114). Estimates run as high as 1,500,000 (line 110a) even more speculative is the death toll. How many Indonesian forced laborers were actually conscripted by the Japanese is unknown. I also list forced labor deaths for specific countries, beginning with Indonesia (Dutch East Indies, at the time). As for Asian forced laborers working on the railroad, 30,000 to 100,000 died, probably 60,000 (line 105). I already included these POW deaths under the POW total (line 93). Estimates of those killed, including POWs, are given (lines 97 to 104) in the table. The most notorious case of indifference to the health and welfare of prisoners and forced laborers was the building of the Burma-Thailand railroad in 1942 to 1943. The table next lists estimates of the total Asian forced laborers who died from Japanese maltreatment. For nations releasing figures on both the total number of POWs captured and the number dying in Japanese captivity, the POW death rate averaged nearly 29 percent. Since this is largely based on official figures released shortly after the war, I give no high and low. The overall number of POWs and internees killed was about 138,000 (line 93). I then estimated this from the total garrison (line 52) and the percent of POWs killed for other nations (line 53). 1 No figure for French POWs deaths in Indochina were available in the sources. Most of these figures are official, and were presented at the Tokyo War Crimes Trial. The first democide I consider is against prisoners of war and interned civilians (lines 45 to 93). Of this number, 672,000 probably were civilians (line 32), virtually all killed in American air raids (including the two atomic bombs). The first part of the table (lines 2 to 42) calculates the number of Japanese that died in Japanese wars, 1937 to 1945. This democide has been separately calculated in Rummel ( 1994), and only the total derived there is given in the table (line 386) in calculating the overall democide. Democide in China during the Sino-Japanese War that begun in 1937, and merged with WWII in December 1941, is excluded. Table 3.1 presents the sources, estimates, and calculations on Japanese democide in World War II. This democide was due to a morally bankrupt political and military strategy, military expediency and custom, and national culture (such as the view that those enemy soldiers who surrender while still able to resist were criminals). Rummelįrom the invasion of China in 1937 to the end of World War II, the Japanese military regime murdered near 3,000,000 to over 10,000,000 people, most probably almost 6,000,000 Chinese, Indonesians, Koreans, Filipinos, and Indochinese, among others, including Western prisoners of war. STATISTICS OF DEMOCIDE Chapter 3 Statistics OfĮstimates, Calculations, And Sources * By R.J. "Power kills: genocide and mass murder".Graduate Syllabus on Repression and Democide."The Holocaust in comparative and historical perspective"."Democide in totalitarian states: mortacracies and megamurderers"."How many did communist regimes murder?"."War isn't this century's biggest killer".Other Democide Related Documents On This Site Nontechnical: STATISTICS OF JAPANESE GENOCIDE AND MASS MURDERĬhapter 1: Summary and Conclusions Ĭhapter 2: Pre-Twentieth Century DemocideĬhapter 14: The Gang of Centi-Kilo MurderersĬhapter 17: Democracy, Power, and DemocideĬhapter 18: Social Diversity, Power, and DemocideĬhapter 20: The Context of Democide Socio-Economic and GeographicĬhapter 22: The Social Field and Democide