Please note that some messages can only be assigned to two-state (boolean) variables like Touch or Value variables of two-state-only controls like for example Toggle or Push controls. TouchOSC supports MIDI messages of the types You’ve now successfully configured your TouchDesigner network to receive and send data to a mobile device running TouchOSC. If a MIDI message for a variable is enabled by checking the box next to Enabled menu, the selection menu for type of MIDI message is enabled. The last step in this process is to copy the whole string and set up fader 2 to transmit to fader 1, this last step allows both faders to drive one another in turn. Some controls can have more variables because of having multiple values (for example XY pads) or because they contain child controls (for example Multi-Fader controls). Color corresponds to the control color, indexed by the control's MIDI message controller value, note velocity or program number value, ranging from 0 to 8.In order to read information from this slider in Quartz, we’ll need to know this address, along with the type of information that we’re sending. To Touch OSC this reads as Fader 1 on of your layout. Touch corresponds to a two-state or boolean indicator of the control currently being the target of a touch event or not You’ll notice in the TouchOSC editor that each object has an address that’s associated with it.Value corresponds to the control's current state's value.Except for a few exceptions (for example Battery and Time controls) all controls have Value, Touch and Color variables, where:

The MIDI properties for a control determine which MIDI messages a control will send and receive when either the MIDI Bridge or CoreMIDI connections are enabled.Įach control can have multiple variables to assign MIDI messages to, which can be selected from the Enabled menu.