Spells: Melt Armor, Transmute Resources, Transmuter, Adaptive Armor, Steel Skin The Crucible (Tier IV Tome): Spells: Crushing Earth, Earth Shatter, Seismic Shock, Summon Stone Spirit, Tremor Ritual Transmutation (Tier III Tome): Spells: Abducting Cyclone, Dust Storm, Favorable Winds, Windborne Scouts, Summon Wind Rager, Zephyr Archer Terramancy (Tier III Tome):

Spells: Artisan Armament, Construct Bolt Repeaters, Iron Golem, Artisan Fortifications, Siege Magic Winds (Tier II Tome): Spells: Gargoyle, Rock Blast, Earthskin, Stone Skin, Summon Lesser Stone Spirit Artificing (Tier II Tome): Spells: Spell-Tempered Shields, Summon Copper Golem, Awakened Tools, Seeker Arrows, Sundering Blades Rock (Tier I Tome): Grants +2 boost to your Materium Affinity. Spells: Summon Balor, Daemonic Onslaught, Incite Rebellion, Call Forth Avatar of Chaos MATERIUM TOMES Spells: Daemonic Summoning, Fight for Power, Abyssal Flames, Sacrificial Slaughter, Demonkin The Chaos Lord (Tier V Tome): Province Improvement: Daemon Gate, Root of Chaos Spells: Fan the Inferno, Golden Horde, Scion of Flame, Daemonic Focus, Gremlin Ambushers The Daemon Gate (Tier IV Tome): Spells: Incite Revolution, Vessels of Chaos, Havoc Magic, Mass Hysteria, Summon Chaos Eater Chaos Channeling (Tier IV Tome): Spells: Flameburst Weapons, Focus of Devastation, Unleash the War Hounds, Warbreed, Construct Devastator Spheres Pandemonium (Tier III Tome): Spells: Bloodfury Weapons, Revels of Carnage, Skald, Revels of Blood, Reveler’s Heart Devastation (Tier III Tome): Spells: Curse of Misfortune, Mark of Misfortune, Summon Gremlin, Infectious Insanity, Sow Confusion Revelry (Tier II Tome): Spells: Fury of the Horde, Houndmaster Spawnkin, Blaze of the Horde, Summon Irregulars Mayhem (Tier II Tome): Spells: Summon Lesser Magma Spirit, Ignite, Searing Blades, Pyromancer, Fiery Arrows, Immolate The Horde (Tier I Tome): Spells: Astral Travel, Cosmic Overdrive, Time Stop, Disruption Wave CHAOS TOMES Spells: Astral Revelation, Summon Astral Reflections, Summon Mirror Mimic, Mirror Veil, Throne of Mirrors The Arch Mage (Tier V Tome): Spells: Arcane Maelstrom, Astral Shattering, Explosive Manifestation, Astral Attunement, Cascading Power The Astral Mirror (Tier IV Tome): Spells: Conjure Crystal Keeper, Summon Astral Serpent, Arcane Bond, Arcane Restoration, Arcane Supercharge Astral Convergence (Tier IV Tome): Province Improvement: Summoning Well, Seed of Astral Spells: Astral Trade Relay, Phasing Enchantment, Emergency Teleportation, Mass Recall, Summon Phase Beast Summoning (Tier III Tome): Province Improvement: Chrono Gate, Seed of Astral Spells: Mental Mark, Scry Enemy, Summon Watcher, Guided Projectiles, Tower of True Sight Teleportation (Tier III Tome): Spells: Amplified Arrows, Conjure Amplification Pylon, Frenzy Focus, Amplify Minds, Astral Blood, Chain Lightning Scrying (Tier II Tome): Spells: Staves of Warding, Summon Phantasm Warrior, Mark of Invulnerability, Magical Wards, Static Shield Amplification (Tier II Tome):
Spells: Fulmination, Lightning Focus, Evoker, Lightning Blades, Summon Lesser Storm Spirit, Lightning Torrent Warding (Tier I Tome): Related: List of all Society Traits in AOW4 List of all Tomes

The availability of these tiers is sequential and conditional: Further all tomes are also organized into five tiers.

In all, there are 54 tomes of magic spread across 6 affinities. Additionally, each Tome provides a passive ability. They contain a range of elements that can be researched to improve your empire, including spells, hero skills, units, and special province improvements. In Age of Wonders 4, Tomes represent the technology or knowledge tree of an empire.